I Climbed A Mountain, A Not Suicide Story.
I climbed a mountain, that I might end my life.
“I’m exhausted” I said “and the weight of this life has become a burden I no longer wish to bear.” So I donned my hiking boots, and filled my canteen, that I might scale the mountain’s height, and toss myself from its cliffs.
As I began my ascent, the jagged rocks bit at my feet. “Turn back” the ragged ground said “or I will tear your soles asunder.” “Foolish rocks” I replied. “I have withstood pains you cannot fathom. I will scale this mountain and throw my body from its heights.”
The wind whipped at my face. “Turn back” the wind howled “or I will turn your cheeks to frost.” “Silly wind” I yelled back “I have withstood far more than you can conceive. Blow as hard as you like; I will scale this mountain and throw myself from its heights.”
The sun snarled at me, with blinding rays of sunshine. “Turn back” threatened the sun “or I will char you with my light.” I laughed. “Foolish sun, can you not see I am already darkened by your love? My skin absorbs you, you cannot harm me. I will scale this mountain and end my suffering.”
As I neared the summit the air grew thin with rage and the cold chilled my lungs. “Turn back” they said in frigid harmony “for although you withstood the rocks, the wind, and the sun, surely you will crumble before us. We will devour your will to continue. You will never reach the summit.” “Away with you” I scolded. “I am warmed from within by the power of ten thousand ancestors. You may slow me down but you cannot hinder me. I will scale this mountain, that I might leap into oblivion.”
I reached the mountain top and stood at its precipice, when the mountain finally spoke to me, in a voice as old as the oceans. “You stand at my peak” the mountain said” as few before you. You faced the rocks, the wind, the sun, the cold, and the air. You have overcome much, and earned the right to end your life. Jump from my cliffs, that I may watch you plummet to your death.”
“Don’t tell me what to do!” I snapped back “for I am obstinate, and strong willed. If climbing you did not kill me, how can I be certain falling from you would ease my pain?”
The mountain smiled a craggy smile. “You are right. I cannot guarantee leaping from me would kill one as stubborn as you, for you have shown resilience, and tenacity. Should you choose to live, the perseverance you displayed in ascending me may be of some value to you. Your life is no less heavy at my crown that it was at my feet.”
I cursed the mountain through frozen teeth for the smugness of its wisdom. The mountain jeered wickedly as I began my descent, facing rocks, wind, sun, and cold all over again. “Should you change your mind” it creaked “I will be here tomorrow and every day thereafter, to remind you of who you are, who you might yet be, and who you are capable of overcoming.”